Fire up the grill for these Grilled Veggie Kebabs, featuring a colorful mix of corn, zucchini, and mushrooms. Perfectly charred and seasoned, these kebabs are a delicious and healthy option for any outdoor barbecue or family dinner. Enjoy the fresh, smoky flavors of summer in every bite!
Prepare the skewers: using a metal skewer, start with a piece of corn, then add mushroom, zucchini, and bell pepper. Repeat once, then cap end with corn. Wrap in foil, and place on grill heated to ~450 F. Cook for 10 mins, then turn and cook for 10 more minutes. If no grill is available, roast in oven heated to 450 for 10-15 mins on each side. For more charred flavor, cook without foil on a grill pan (either on the stove top or grill).
Prepare the sauce: Choose from cilantro lime, Hummus or Chimichurri Sauce.
Serve: carefully remove veggies from the heat, and remove foil if applicable. Carefully remove veggies from skewer before eating (use adequate heat protection, burned fingers are no fun!) Top with sauce and enjoy!